Thursday, April 2, 2009

Introduction of a NaNo Addict

Hello, hello my fellow net dwellers,

Let me introduce myself. The name's NyanNyan; at least on NaNoWriMo it is. What is NaNoWriMo you ask? Why, it's a literary event called "National Novel Writing Month" and it is hosted by The Office of Letters and Light (OLL).

NaNoWriMo is a fun event that encourages literacy and creativity by challenging participants of all ages worldwide to write a small novel of fifty thousand (50,000) words in thirty (30) days! Now, this doesn't happen every month as there is a lot involved in runnning an international event of this scale; so the OLL has decided to choose November for NaNoWriMo every year.

Now, about this blog. You're probably wondering what I'm going to be using it for, right? Well, as the description outlines, I'll be giving advice on generally surviving NaNoWriMo each year. My goal is to help participants make it to that 50k mark. Now, it's not just going to be during the NaNo event, but rather building up in the coming months with plot outlines, prompts, character developemnt, etc. I'll even be sure to give those pesky procrastinators some pointers.

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